What Does He Think Of Me Tarot?

What Does He Think Of Me Tarot?

Discover the truth about his feelings towards you with our ‘What Does He Think of Me Tarot’. Our skilled tarot readers use their intuition and expertise to reveal the hidden thoughts and emotions of the person you love. Get a clearer understanding of your relationship and find out what the future holds for the both of you. Our convenient online platform allows you to receive your reading from anywhere, at any time. Start your journey towards clarity and self-discovery with What Does He Think of Me Tarot today.

Choose a card: “What does he think of me?”
What thinks?
What feels?
His goals?

Fortune telling again

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Comments: 12
  1. aNNA6611

    You all told about me and about my situation, Thank you for the alignment

  2. Mady

    Pile 5 really resonates. I’m so confused about this connection, we vibe in a way I’ve never experienced. Finding solace in letting this unfold and see what there is for us. Trying to be okay with not knowing.
    Some little details that made me realize this was the reading for me: the silence (we barely talk when we’re together) and work (we’re coworkers).

  3. Tarot (author)

    As someone who isn’t part of the lgbtq community, I always take your readings as gender neutral. I appreciate that you talk about “energy” as opposed to gender. Because ultimately, we are all divine masculine and feminine. Also, I chose pile 2 and you’re so spot on again ? I’m quite intuitive and I read tarot, and your readings always just confirm what I already know but it’s nice for me to have that. So thankyou :) I appreciate you, and I hope you have a great year!

  4. noraenora

    Pile 4 was so accurate it actually hurt. Actually cried. It really felt like this was made for me, made to find me, and that never happened to me before. You’re amazing.
    Thank you for this reading. I really needed it, despite the fact that it left a bittersweet taste in my mouth. I understood that they’re the kind of person that will overcome their fears on their own and will not contact me again. I 100% felt that we were divinely orchestrated, but in a “right person wrong time” way. It seems like I need to let go and it hurts.
    Thank you.

  5. Lisa N

    Thank you for the Dispositions. Higher Forces manifest through you. You are a Big Clever One.

  6. Lola

    Thank you and accept

  7. Diana88

    Ha, I thought it was not true – fortune-telling showed my whole life. Thank you and accept

  8. naea

    I watched ONE of these at 3 am this morning and I’ve fallen into this spiral of cardreadings

  9. happymamma670

    Thank you MJ for the reading love and light ❤️ I’m not rushing I’m taking my time and continuing to work on myself it’s all in the universe hand’s praying, meditating, journaling. 💕

  10. doryfin6284

    Yeah got a request from an ex friend who to talk out of nowhere and catch uo, long story short told her no thorugh a bunch of messages, she hasn’t changed. I’m realizing also I am onto better things besides she[d most likelt learn of my finances and take me on another food binge and then complain about why her stomache hurts? Lmao stop scarfing everything down in a day and maybe you’ll find out why.

  11. user-dx5lr2mr2r

    thank you very much sending you Love and Light💖💫🤗

  12. goofparty420

    pile one — this resonates beyond belief. literally insane. I hope he reaches out to me soon. we are in no contact but he is my other half. I have no idea how he’s feeling but this feels like it clears things up. he will contact me soon ❤

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